The 2019-2021 term officially started on November 30th. The new Council is ready, as best as we can be, and the work has begun.
We had our first Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd. The first business the Council wanted to address was the per capita distribution. The decision was made to increase the distribution to $500.00 per Member on the Cheam Membership List. There will be no deductions for any outstanding fees owed to Cheam, like Housing tenancy arrears. The distribution is funded from the Trans Mountain Settlement Funds. The distribution for minors will be held in trust, while the distribution for adults will be delivered on Saturday, December 14 at the Cheam Christmas Party.
The Council has set its Council Meeting Schedule. The Cheam Governance Policy requires the Council to meet a minimum of twice a month. The Council has decided to meet every two weeks on Tuesday morning. Our next Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17 at 9:00 a.m., which will be our last one for 2019. In 2020, the Council will meet on Tuesday, January 7 and then every two weeks. (View the calendar)
The first quarterly Community Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:00 p.m. This will be a presentation of the 2018-2019 audited statements. We will be posting the documents on our website along with the auditor’s presentation soon. The quarterly Community Meetings will be held every three months.
Operational Budget – The 2019-2020 budget is still in draft form and not adopted. The Council is committed to finalizing the budget and working on the 2020-2021 budget. I will be recommending to the Council the implementation of a Finance Committee.
Trans Mountain Settlement Funds – Cheam has received $8.25 million in Settlement Funds. The funds that have not been expensed have been invested in guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) and the terms of the GICs have been maturing. The Council will be making financial decisions on how to manage and utilize these funds.
Cheam Trust Deed – In the 2017-2019 Council term, the Trust Deed was finalized and the first three Trustees were appointed: Amber Crey, Lisa Douglas and Michael Victor. The Council will be deciding on the first investment. This will help Cheam to secure and grow monies for the long-term benefit of the People.
This week was the Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly in Ottawa, ON. Councillor Darwin Douglas attended on Cheam’s behalf with the Chief’s Proxy.
On Tuesday evening, I spoke on a panel with Grand Chief Clarence Pennier and Grand Chief Doug Kelly regarding “Unceded.” Trinity Western University invited Sto:lo leaders to share what unceded means historically and in our current context.
This week, I’ve had the opportunity to touch base briefly with Chilliwack Mayor Ken Popove, Chilliwack RCMP Supt. Byron Massie, Agassiz RCMP Sgt. Michael Sargent, RCMP Indigenous Policing Services Sgt. Brett Lounsbury, and RCMP Cpl. Chris Gosselin.
Auditors from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) have been at Cheam this week regarding funding agreements for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. On Friday afternoon the Council will be meeting with the auditors.
Chief Andrew Victor | 604-316-3784 |