EOC Food Security Transition

Dear Cheam Members,

On Wednesday, May 27, 2020 and Thursday, May 28, 2020, we will be distributing the food security boxes and after these dates we will no longer be continuing with the program in its current manner by distributing food boxes.

The pandemic has taught us to come together and work hard for our community. Our goal is to support the community with food boxes on a regular basis. However, our focus has now shifted to work on planting a community garden. We understand that food security is important to our community and would like to continue the support.

All off reserve Members, please read the COVID-19 Off Reserve Support notice on our website or contact FoodSecurity@cheamband.com for more details.

We would like to thank the Volunteers that have helped with the food distribution program, your assistance was greatly appreciated.

Thank you to the Town Butcher for supporting our community during this pandemic.

Thank you to Sysco for giving us the opportunity to support the community with many great food options.

Thank you to the community for your patience while the Emergency Operation Centre team has been learning how to support the community in the best way possible.

Food Security Team

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