Emergency Land Code Laws enacted by Cheam Chief and Council


TO:        All Members

DATE:   June 10, 2020

RE:        Emergency Land Code Laws enacted by Cheam Chief and Council

Cheam First Nation has the authority to manage and protect its reserve lands pursuant to the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, the First Nations Land Management Act and the Cheam First Nation Land Code. This authority includes the jurisdiction to pass laws setting out the principles, rules and administrative structures that apply to Cheam First Nation lands.

Pursuant to this authority and in accordance with the procedures set out within the Cheam First Nation Land Code, under section 3.8 and 3.9 Council may enact a law without the preliminary steps required above if the Council acting reasonably, believes that the Law is required urgently to protect Cheam Reserve Lands or Members.

The Chief and Council has passed the Law Enforcement Officer Law, Vacant and Dangerous Building Law, and Community Protection Law as Urgent laws on June 2, 2020 and under Section 3.9 will be deemed to have been repealed and to have no force and effect 90 days after its enactment.  During this time the Lands Governance Committee will review the three (3) Laws and provide for comments for the regular process to be completed.

The Land Code and enacted Laws may be viewed at the Band Office and on the Cheam website.  You may click the links above to read the urgent laws.

For further information, please contact Lands Officer Madeline Jimmy at madelinej@cheamband.com, Lands Consultant Monty Horton at LandsAdmin@cheamband.com, or Lands Portfolio holder Councillor Darwin Douglas at darwin.douglas@cheamband.com.


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