U-Pick Blueberries - July 13-14, 2020

U-Pick Blueberries
51211 Chilliwack Central Road, Rosedale
Monday, July 13 and Tuesday, July 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Rides may be made available from the Health Staff. Call 604-794-7927 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to make prior arrangements. Or, message 604-799-4531 and let Muriel know you need a ride and we'll do our best to coordinate you in a group of 6.

If you are going on your own, you can do so. However, we still need to prearrange groups of 6 to go because of the farm's social distance arrangements.

All those doing u-pick will get a little extra, but each will have to pick an extra pail towards the distribution of those unable to pick for themselves.

There will be hand sanitizer and masks available. We are asking everyone to respect social distancing guidelines. Because of limited people being allowed on the field, we are only allowing one per household out to the field.

Blueberries for those unable to do u-pick can be picked up on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. If you're able-bodied and not working, then we expect that you will come to the field and do u-pick.

If you are unable to make it because of other prior commitments (i.e., scheduled appointments), then you can call in and register your name for the group who can't pick for themselves.

NO PAILS from home are allowed at the u-pick field. One will be purchased for you.

Cheam Health Department


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