Proposed Adoption of Enforcement Officer Law, Vacant and Dangerous Building Law and Community Protection Law

Cheam Lands Committee has recommended the draft Cheam First Nation Enforcement Officer Law, the draft Cheam First Nation Vacant and Dangerous Building Law and the draft Cheam First Nation Community Protection Law to the Cheam First Nation Council for implementation.  After reviewing the draft Laws, the Council tabled the Laws for implementation in accordance with subsection 3.5 of the Cheam Land Code.

The Community is encouraged to review these draft laws and provide Council with comments prior to August 29, 2020.

Draft Cheam First Nation Enforcement Officer Law, and Enforcement Law Overview for Membership.6.11.2020

Draft Cheam First Nation Vacant and Dangerous Buildings Law and Overview of Cheam Vacant and Dangerous Building Law 6.11.2020

Draft Cheam First Nation Community Protection Law, and Community Protection Overview for Membership.6.18.2020

Please email your comments to Monty Horton, Lands Administrator at or call 604-794-7924;

or mail your comments to Cheam First Nation Lands Office 52161 Victor Drive, Rosedale, BC V0X 1X1 prior to August 29, 2020.


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