A Provincial General Election has been called for Saturday, October 24, 2020. The Chief and Council engaged the Chilliwack-Kent District Electoral Office to make sure there are safe options for on-reserve Cheam Members wishing to participate in the Provincial General Election.
Any Cheam Members who do not wish to leave the community to vote can have the opportunity via the "Vote by Mail" package issued by the Chilliwack-Kent District Electoral Office in accordance with Section 105 of the Election Act. Cheam is working with the Electoral Officer to expedite this process.
Cheam will compile a list of voters who wish to vote by the "Vote by Mail" package until Wednesday, October 21 at 9:45 am.
The Chilliwack-Kent District Electoral Office will pick up the list of voters on Wednesday, October 21 at 10:00 am. The Electoral Office will process your request for "Vote by Mail" packages and turnaround the requests within the same day.
Voters can pick up their "Vote by Mail" package on Thursday, October 22 at the Band Office. The completed forms must be returned by Friday, October 23 at 12:00 pm.
The Chilliwack-Kent Electoral Office will pick up the completed packages so that your vote will be counted on Saturday, October 24.