New Curbside Garbage Service Coming to Cheam

To better meet the needs of the Community, Management has hired a new waste collection service provider for our weekly residential curbside garbage collection program.

Starting in August, we are switching to GFL Environmental for our residential curbside garbage service. GFL will be picking up household waste on Tuesdays for ALL Community members living in the Cheam community (including the main reserve, the east side and Bridge Road.)

In addition to the existing garbage and recycling disposal, we are adding compost service to all households. Once GFL Environmental takes over, all households will be allowed two (2)  garbage bins/bags each week (in 120-litre containers only), plus unlimited recycling (in 120-litre bins only, no blue bags allowed) and a 120-litre green bin of compostable materials and food scraps. Management will also provide each household with a new recycling bin and a green bin when this new service begins.

Households can purchase garbage tag stickers to tag extra bags or containers for occasions where they have more than the standard two bins of waste. Garbage Tag-a-Bag stickers can be purchased at the Band Office for $2.50 each.

Please see the guide below for how to sort your household waste.

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