First Nations Drinking Water Settlement

Below is the "original" list of Members/Community Members that have been included in Cheam’s submission to the Boil Water Advisory Class Action Lawsuits. As part of an action item of Council, we are to post the attached information on Cheam’s social media/Newsletter to allow for the Members to review if their name was missed. If your name is not on the attached list, and you lived on Cheam land during that time period you can fill out the forms online here, download them below, or get the blank forms from the Band Office. (Cheam has submitted a BCR and a list of the attached names already) Individual/new submissions must be sent by the Deadline of March 7, 2023.

If members need help filling out the form or have questions, they can contact the Claims Administration Team at 1-833-252-4220 or contact Rachel or Kelsy at the Band Office.

Website for additional information:

Cheam Members Submitted List (the original list, not updated with recent callers)

Application for Download

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