Chief's Community Report

Council Projects

Since the December 3rd Council Meeting, the Council has been diligently working on two initiatives: interim plan for the Executive Director position and evaluation of the organizational structure and its capacity.

The Council has been developing an interim plan for the vacant Executive Director position. The workplan is in progress to implement a solution. Please note, the Council conscientiously decided to not place a Council Member in the Executive Director position. The Council has committed to keep a separation between its elected political role and the staff’s administrative work. Therefore, the Council has identified the interim and hiring plans to be vital priorities.

The Council has also been developing a plan for evaluating the organizational structure and its capacity. The Council has discussed the complexities it has seen and heard. The workplan will be assessing the effectiveness of the administrative structure and the capacity to deliver efficient services. The Council desires to see the Administration Team to grow in their skills and be successful.

In the first two weeks of this term, the Council has made good progress on these two initiatives.


Cheam Christmas Party – Saturday, December 14th from 10:30 am to 5:30 pm in the Gymnasium

Chief & Council Meeting – Tuesday, December 17th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Council Chambers

Health Community Engagement – Wednesday, December 18th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Gymnasium

Sto:lo Tribal Council AGM – Friday, December 20th at 12:00 pm at Soowahlie. All Cheam Members are invited.

Chief's Report

This week was the Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance (LFFA) Forum in Vancouver. Councillor Rick Quipp attended on Cheam’s behalf as the primary delegate. Cheam is signatory to the LFFA.

On Monday, I met with Enbridge regarding our Relationship Agreement and their natural gas pipeline right of way on Cheam Reserve Lands.

On Tuesday, I attended the School District #33 Advisory Committee meeting in Chilliwack. It was good to receive updates on what SD#33 is doing and its upcoming work. I have had the opportunity to chat with some SD#33 staff about the October Pro-D Day hosted at Cheam. It’s encouraging to see the progress that education institutions are making to understand that education is still a healing issue and its role in the healing journey.

On Thursday, Councillor Stephanie Fredette, Education Coordinator Pat Large and I attended the Rosedale Traditional Community School’s Aboriginal Family & Friends Christmas Dinner & Craft Night. It was great to be part of the fun activities and visiting with families. I was pleased to receive a request from Principal Jordan to further develop RTCS’s relationship with Cheam.

The majority of my time this week was focusing on Council projects and plans.

Chief Andrew Victor | 604-316-3784 |

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