FNHA’s Fraser Salish Wellness Team invites you to participate in Strong through Summer, Safe into Fall health and wellness campaign #fnhawellness.
The goal of this initiative is to help you be well in the event of a potential second wave of COVID-19 by focusing on community health and chronic health conditions. Keeping your body and mind happy and healthy helps to build a strong immune system. This is very important because it helps to minimize our risk of getting sick.
The Fraser Salish Wellness Team in collaboration with Fraser Health is here to support you and your community with fun activities, workshops and more! In addition, resources have been developed to address preparing for concerns including acquiring groceries and how to make simple meals with foods on hand. The four health pillars covered over this summer are heart health, respiratory health, diabetes, and weight management.
More bingo activities to come in the following weeks.
The FNHA will be offering virtual workshops on Heart Health, Lung Health, Diabetes, Healthy Weight Management and Medication Management. We will keep you posted.
Please do not hesitate to contact Cori Victor (cori.victor@cheamband.com) for any questions you may have.
We are all in this together. We are strong this summer! #CheamStrong