Healing and Support Resources

As the news of the discovery of the 215 children on the
T'kemlups Residential School site begins to sink in, we are encouraged
to see so many Community Members reaching out to each other in
support, participating in vigils and honouring the many victims.

We acknowledge that this remains difficult, heartbreaking news and
opens many wounds within our own families and Community.

We encourage anyone affected by experiences with Residential Schools
to seek healing and support through the Indian Residential Schools
Survivor Society (https://www.irsss.ca/services/counselling | 1-800-
721-0066) or a trusted health care provider. Cheam's Health
Department can assist in connecting you to a qualified provider 604-


Residential Schools Health Support Program

The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health, emotional and cultural support services to eligible former Indian Residential School students and their families throughout all phases of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, including:

  • Common Experience Payments (CEP)
  • Independent Assessment Process (IAP),
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) events
  • commemorative activities

Services Available:

  • Cultural support

Cultural supports are provided by local Indigenous organizations who coordinate the services of Elders or traditional healers. Cultural supports seek to assist former students and their families to safely address issues related to Indian Residential Schools as well as the disclosure of abuse during the Settlement Agreement process. Specific services are chosen by the former student or family member and can include traditional healing, ceremonies, teachings and dialogue.

  • Emotional support

Services are provided by local Indigenous organizations and are designed to help former students and their families safely address issues related to the negative impacts of the Indian Residential Schools as well as the disclosure of abuse during the Settlement Agreement process. A Resolution Health Support worker will listen, talk and provide support to former students and their family members through all phases of the Settlement Agreement process.

  • Professional counselling

Professional counsellors are psychologists and social workers that are registered with Indigenous Services Canada, for individual or family counselling. A professional counsellor will listen, talk and assist individuals to find ways of healing from Indian Residential School experiences.


Additional mental health and wellness supports are available through the First Nations Health Authority.

Click to view available FNHA supports directory: FNHA-mental-health-and-wellness-supports-for-indigenous-people

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