Community Checkpoints Survey

Keeping the Community Safe is a Community Decision

As the COVID-19 numbers continue to decline and the virus becomes less of a public health threat, funding from the government for the Checkpoints will end very soon and we need your input.

Since implementing the Health Checkpoints for COVID-19 in 2020, the Community has experienced a decrease in drug dealers, sex traffickers and other unwanted vehicle traffic. The reduction in vehicle traffic alone has had a positive effect, allowing parents to feel safe letting their children play outside. This decrease in criminal activity is also due to stepping up the Peacekeeper program, which will continue.

As Community safety is paramount, we would like to understand your thoughts on how we should move forward after the funding stops. The options below are for your consideration.

  1. Remove the gates/checkpoints completely and open the Community


    • RCMP will come into the Community more often
    • Vehicle traffic will increase, particularly in the summer, making it unsafe for children to play as they are now
    • Drug and sex trafficking may increase
  2. Keep the Checkpoints in operation for the summer and have the Nation fund this initiative


    • Not enough staff. We have struggled over the last six months with having employees not showing up for their shifts for a variety of reasons. This will continue and the gates will need to be open if someone does not show up for their shift. Currently, Peacekeepers cover shifts however they have to patrol the entire Community and will not be available to cover full shifts
    • This would be a significant cost to the Nation
    • We may have to hire non-members to staff the gates
    • Non-community members will have to provide details about why they are entering and license plates will be recorded

    NOTE: This option (2) would be reassessed in the fall to determine if this program should be indefinite.


  3. Keep the Lower Gate (Edwards/Old Yale) closed 24/7 for the summer to reduce thru traffic


    • Even with informing the school board and emergency services, they may still try to access this gate, causing delays
    • This does not prevent traffic coming off highway 9 from entering through the main gate in an attempt to cut through the Community (CFN would put up signs to help with this)
    • This does not help keep drug and sex trafficking down
    • This is only for the summer 

Which option do you prefer/support? 

Please complete the survey online or bring the paper survey to the Band Office by June 20.

Access the survey online at: or by scanning the QR code below.

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