We are pleased to introduce the Cheam Housing Beautification Contest. This contest is designed to encourage and promote community involvement in keeping Cheam a beautiful place to live, work and play- and to recognize and reward members whose properties reflect their Community pride and have a beautiful, pleasing appearance. All winning landscapes in Cheam will be recognized. All membership is encouraged to participate.
We want to see how you have helped beautify your property. Show us your potted plants and porches, your winding paths and secret hideaways, or your prized gardens. Most of all, show us your love for up-keeping your yard. No matter what type of garden or landscape you have, there is a category for you! It is a great way to share and encourage enthusiasm for gardening and landscaping while showing off your personal style to the members of the Community.
The contest is open to all residents of the Community and the project must be for Community beautification and include land/streetscaping.
The Cheam Beautification Committee will select the winners of each category. Before and after pictures are recommended (but not required). The submissions will be judged on tidiness (organization), safety and beautification.
The winners will be notified by the Beaufitfication Committee and will be presented with a wonderful prize. Prizes may include beautiful trees, gardening tools or gift cards.
To submit your entry, drop off an entry form at the Band Office or email your name and full address to lydia.archie@cheamband.com by July 30.
Winners will be announced at the end of August.