Members Needed for Cheam Community Committees









Have your voice heard by joining one of the Cheam Community Committees.

There are currently openings for Member participation (living on or off Reserve) in each of the following:

  • Lands/Housing/Capital Projects and Public works Committee
  • Finance/Communications/Administration Committee
  • Health/Social Development/Education Committee
  • Cultural/Tradition/Rights and Title Committee
  • Safe Community Committee
  • CEI Elders and Youth Advisory Committee
 *Please note that the names of the Committees may vary from what is mentioned above

The Committees serve as a Standing Advisory Committee to Chief and Council. We are looking for Members of all ages to participate in these Committees, and from the Minutes of the meetings, make recommendations to Council on your vision and direction for the Nation.

The Committees will be made up of a mix of Community members, staff, and one member of Council, in an ex-officio capacity. Meetings will be held monthly and arranged to accommodate the schedules of Committee members. Thanks to the gift of technology, meetings can be in person, virtual, or a combination of the two.

Those interested in participating in a Committee are asked to email by August 3rd, with a copy of your resume (or most recent education and work experience) and the Committee(s) you are interested in joining. Expressions of interest can also be turned in to Daphne in reception.

The Committees will begin meeting in September, and an honorarium is paid to all those in attendance.

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