AFN: Federal Elections Readiness and Outreach

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is working together with Elections Canada to eliminate barriers to First Nations’ participation in federal elections.

Please expect a phone call in the coming days and weeks where an AFN staff member will share information related to:

  • Job opportunities during the election
  • Getting ready to vote
  • Sharing election materials

Job opportunities during an election

Elections Canada is recruiting community members 16 years and older to apply to work at polling stations. Elections Canada offers paid employment and training. Weekend hours are available and applicants can choose to work in the riding that is most convenient for them.  Applications are available online now for the following positions:

Community Relations Officer (CRO) - includes CRO Indigenous
Elections Canada is also recruiting for the CRO position.  CROs work throughout the election period and not just at polling stations.
The CRO provides information to assist electors who face barriers to registering and voting. All outreach activities related to the CRO position for the upcoming election will be done online.

  • Apply before the election is called: email CVs to with the applicant’s name and postal code in the subject line
  • Apply after the election is called: send CVs directly to the Returning Officer for your community

Health and safety measures will be in place to keep election workers safe. Review a full list of employment opportunities with Elections Canada here.

Getting ready to vote

Now is a good time for Community members who wish to vote to register, or check you’re registered, and update your information if needed. People who register before the election will receive a Voter Information Card (VIC) from Elections Canada in the mail after the election is called. The VIC can be used as a proof of address for individuals when paired with another piece of accepted ID, such as a status card.

To vote by mail, electors should submit an Application for Registration and Special Ballot. This application and instructions will be available after the election is called at, local Elections Canada offices, or by calling Elections Canada.

Here are additional Elections Canada resources on getting ready to vote:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the AFN Electoral Outreach Committee at



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