Notice of Nomination Meeting – 2023 Cheam First Nation Election

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Cheam First Nation will be held at the Cheam Band Gym, located at 52161 Victor Drive, Rosedale, B.C. on the 24th day of October, 2023, beginning at 5:00 o'clock P.M. and lasting for at least three hours, for the purpose of nominating a Chief and candidates for positions on the Band Council of the said Band for the next ensuing term. FIVE (5) Councillor Positions and ONE (1) position for Chief are available. The election will be held at The Cheam Band Gym, 52161 Victor Drive, Rosedale, B. C. on December 6, 2023.

Please note that any Elector may nominate candidates by using a mail-in nomination form (mailed directly to off-reserve members by the electoral officer). Electors residing off-reserve may nominate or run as a candidate for the position of Chief and Council. You can either deliver, email or mail in written nomination forms and completed, signed, and witnessed voter declaration forms to the electoral officer before the time set for the nomination meeting OR you may nominate candidates orally at the nomination meeting. Mailed nominations not received by the electoral officer before the time set for the nomination meeting are void. Also, note that any voter may vote by mail-in ballot.

All Cheam First Nation Members, 18 years or older, are eligible to vote in the election.

Dates to note:

  • October 24, 2023 Nomination Meeting 5pm
  • November 15 & 16, 2023     All Candidates Meeting
  • December 6, 2023 Cheam First Nation Election


Official Notice of Nomination Meeting Letter

Official 2023 Cheam First Nation Voters List

All of the above information will also be shared in the Cheam September 22, 2023 newsletter.

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